To date, the United Nations Human Rights Committee has issued 29 decisions (also called “Views”) relating to cases of gross human rights violations. In each of them, it found that Nepal is responsible for extremely serious violations of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
The applications concern cases of:

Torture and other forms of inhumane or degrading treatment

Extra-judicial killings

Unfair trial

Enforced disappearance

Sexual violence

Forced child labor
In all the cases, the Human Rights Committee found Nepal responsible for multiple violations of its international obligations.
These violations affected 84 persons, of which:

49 were men and 37 were women

20 were children and 66 were adults when the crimes occurred

27 self-identified as indigenous and 59 as non-indigenous
As of today:

3 victims received compensation and 82 did not

9 decisions were translated into Nepali and 17 were not